Friday, November 19, 2010

long island city & eternal return

10th street & 44th road. Long Island City, 2010.

upon a recent rescreening of Joe Versus the Volcano, i realize that i may have been fated to work in this most centrally located neighborhood. lic first factored into my life at some point in the 90s, when i saw this movie as an impressionable youth. one moment always stuck in my brain as a very sad, albeit very literal metaphor for urban and office life. in the very first scene, as joe makes his way to work he sees a single daisy growing from the concrete. a moment of hope soon dashed, as one of his drone-like collegues unknowingly trounces it in the long march to the office.

now, twenty years later: i work there. a stepping stone between brooklyn & manhattan that i precariously balance upon day after day. just like joe.

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