Wednesday, November 11, 2009

city life is basically the same...

all images to be titled, 2006

i used to work in an office beyond cell phone's reach. i once drove cross state lines to my job deep in western connecticut. during the winter months my first task of the day was to gather firewood & start up the wood burning stove that would heat the office during working hours. i had other tasks but this one was probably my favorite. i had a boss & only three coworkers. this doe, this fawn & an incredibly verbal chipmonk.

my boss began buying these guys lunch & by the time spring rolled around i would be dining at this proximity to our friends. now, i do not necessarily agree with the ethics of feeding wildlife, bringing them closer & closer to our desks - so as to objectify their beauty & make oneself feel at peace with nature & old age. but he was my boss so i didn't say anything. i guess my guilt over the whole thing has kept these 4x5 negs tucked away for four years. the scans aren't great but here they are.

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