Monday, October 1, 2007


photographs are only about the look of things
( how does this look & to whom )
appearance is a surface we battle with consistently
( by battle i mean accept )

if we could ennact our assumptions
( we might begin to understand )
by understand i mean nt
( nt a wor[l]d of appearances )

( how does this look & to whom )
questions are photographs are phragments
( the surface of reality )
is the slipperiest of slopes

( words precede & follow photographs )
with out them we are left asking
( questions are a desire )
must every desire must be phulfilled

( how does this look & to whom )
what of photography is desire
( to look upon a thing )
to learn something new about some thing

is to see to know
( could we call this a document )
what does construct mean
( in a wor[l]d ripe with illusion )

i polish this surface
( with every photograph never uttered )
i scour this surface
( with every object written in emulsion )

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